Seminar Report - Deep & Dark Web By Saurbh Wasnik

“Deep & Dark Web”

Submitted by:
Saurbh Wasnik
Master of Science (C.S.) – Semester II

Department of Electronics and Computer Science,
RashtrasantTukadoji Maharaj University Campus,
Amravati Road, Nagpur.


·         Introduction
·         The Deep Web
·         Levels Of The Deep Web
·         How To Access Deep Web
·         Why These Browsers
·         Benefits Of Deep Web
·         The Dark Web
·         Usage
·         Defining Attributes
      ·         Illegal Activity And The Dark Web
      ·         Cybercrime In The Dark Web
      ·         The Internet, The World Wide Web The Deep Web
       ·       Deep Web Vs Dark Web
       ·         Conclusion
       ·         References


 The deep web also known as invisible web or hidden web are parts of the World Wide Web and its contents are not indexed by standard search engines for any sort of reason. The content of the deep web is hidden behind HTML forms. The surface web is the opposite term to the deep web. Common uses of the deep web are web mail and online banking but they are also paid for services with a paywall such as on demand video and many others. Everyone who uses the Web virtually visits what could be reflected as Deep Web sites  on a daily basis without been aware.  A place where  whole sections of internet within which all of the websites are hidden from the view of regular web surfers, and also in which the people using them are hidden from view is referred as deep web . Deep web is the anonymous internet where it is much difficult for hackers, spies or government agencies to track internet users and have a look on  which websites they are using and what are they doing there.
The large part of the Internet that is inaccessible to conventional search engines is known as deep Web (invisible Web). Messages, chat messages, social media sites private content, electronic bank statements, electronic health records and other content of the deep web are accessible over the Internet but are not crawled and indexed by search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing or DuckDuckGo. There are various reasons for not indexing deep Web. Some reasons may be of the content been proprietary, in which only the approved visitors entering through a virtual private network (VPN) can access the contents. Sometimes the contents may be commercial .In this case the content residing behind the member wall can only be accessed by customers who have paid a fee. In a case where the content contains personal identifiable information (PII), it can only be accessed  through a portal site by individuals who have been granted access privileges and is protected by compliance regulations . When components lack a permanent uniform resource location (URL) and mashups have been generated on the fly , they become part of the deep web It is not known exactly how large the deep web is, but it is estimated by many experts that the  search engines crawl
and index less than 1% of all the content  been accessed over the internet. Surface web is  that part of the Internet which is crawled and indexed by search engines 

Deep Web is the part of the Web which is not indexed by conventional search engines and therefore don’t appear in search results


Level 1
It is the most common web or internet. We use it pretty much daily as well as know and understand it. It generally comprises of the ‘Open to the Public’ part of the Web.

Level 2
It is commonly known as the Surface Web.  Services such as Reddit, Digg, and temporary email are included in it. Chat boards and other social enabling content can be found in this level as it is essentially a communications platform. To reach it in any fashion is not difficult.

Level 3
level 3 is called Bergie Web. Services besides WWW or Web services are been included here. It consists of Internet newsgroups, Google locked results, FTP sites, honeypots and other sites such as 4Chan. If you know where you are going, this level is relatively simple to reach.

Level 4
Level 4 is known as Charter Web or Deep Web. Hacker groups, activist communications, banned media and other darker layers of the online society are included in this websites. This is what we basically refer to as Deep Web. Typical Web search engines cannot find the sites on this layer .  You have to be invited by an existing member. In order to be able to access these sites Level 5 In this level, things get a little creepy. The level is known as Dark Web through the normal Internet These websites are not accessible to this level. You will need to get on the TOR network, or some other private networks .Dark Web sites are also referred to as TOR Hidden Services or onion sites. On the TOR network there is a variety of legal and illegal content. Illegal materials such as bounty hunters, drugs, human trafficking, hacker exploits, rare animal trade and other black market items are been included in these sites. Whenever we refer to Dark Web, we are normally  referring to the TOR network.


Fig - 1 : TOR Network Diagram.

TOR stands for "The Onion Router".  To run TOR software installed on your computer and TOR connections managed by network of computers both are considered. In simple terms, TOR permits you to route web traffic through several other computers in the TOR network so that the party on the other side of the connection can’t trace the traffic back to you. More TOR users means more protection for your information, since you are using other computers to route your connections and sessions . It creates a number of layers that conceal your identity from the rest of the world as the name implies.

A Tor Project website blog page discussing the takedown of Silk Road (an online marketplace that dealt with contraband drugs, narcotics and weapons) by the FBI. iStock.


 For entry points into Dark Net Deep Web, onions, and Tor are the way to go in terms of gathering a backgrounder. Much of the information currently on the surface of Internet about the actual underbelly of the web is outdated. The Under-web has been changing, ever since Silk Road’s take down last year. You first have to download the Tor add-on for Firefox to get into the Deep Web these days. You are securing your anonymity to browse by downloading the Tor Browser Bundle from the Tor Project , which is the main drawback for using Tor. Tor builds a circuit of encrypted connections through a randomized relay, once you have downloaded the browser bundle. In general terms that means that as Tor randomly pings your IP address from one place to the other your online activity is covered , thus making whatever you do less traceable. Multiple Redditors advice reading the  warning page of Tor Project’s, as they discourage torrent downloading and file sharing  while using Tor. To follow protocol maintaining your anonymity while chatting, browsing or navigating is the core idea of this. This clearly includes giving away your personal information like phone numbers ,email addresses,  time zones, names or home addresses in any situation. Tor 4.0, the newest iteration of the Tor browser, was released in October 2014. To enable use behind China’s massive Internet firewall It primarily contains a variety of product  designed . Placing duct tape on your webcam, turning off cookies and JavaScript ,enabling your computer’s firewall, are some of the precautions that can be included. Treading cautiously is key, where you want to be completely free of an identity, so . Using cross-reference tools, malware, and remote administration tools the NSA and other government outlets peruse the Dark Web and onion sites frequently to find users engaging in illegal activity. While the Deep Web gathers the drugs, retail of weapons and illicit erotica, some useful tools are also available  for thrill seekers, journalists and researchers.  Mere access through Tor is not illegal but can arouse suspicion with the law which is worth noting . Deep Web is the beginning point of most of the illegal transactions but those transactions most often flow elsewhere for retail, in-person meet ups, thus due to this most people get caught by law enforcement officials. To allow Tor to be used on an Android or iOS device several browsers exist . Or Web, Anonymous Browser Connect Tor, the mobile Firefox add-on, Onion Browser, and Red Onion and some of the browser. Security concerns have been raised for all of these browsers which is one of the most important concern and that anonymous browsing cannot be 100% guaranteed for any of these.


Search engine crawlers do not pick up most resources including:
● Dynamic content: dynamic pages which are returned in response to a submitted query or accessed only through a form
● Unlinked content: pages which are not linked to by other pages (ie backlinks or inlinks)
● Private Web: sites that require registration and login
● Limited access content: sites that limit access to their pages in a technical way
● Scripted content: pages that are only accessible through links produced in script (ex javascript)
● Non-HTML/text content: textual content encoded in multimedia files
● Text content using the Gopher protocol and files hosted on irregular FTP


There are multiple purposes of the dark web sites but the important reason behind its usage is to remain anonymous. For privacy concern the hidden web is been used .           Benefits   Information remains safe and You won’t let your information out.  Dark web sites are not crawled by any spiders.  Tor browser is used to access hidden web  to talk anonymously.  services like emails, I2P, Free net, Tor, P2P, Tail OS and VPN are been provided.


The dark Web is the portion of the deep Web that has been intentionally hidden and is inaccessible through standard Web browsers. Dark Web sites serve as a platform for Internet users for whom anonymity is essential, since they not only provide protection from unauthorized users, but also usually include encryption to prevent monitoring. A relatively known source for content that resides on the dark Web is found in the Tor network. The Tor network is an anonymous network that can only be accessed with a special Web browser, called the Tor browser (Tor 2014a). First debuted as The Onion Routing (Tor) project in 2002 by the US Naval Research Laboratory, it was a method for communicating online anonymously. Another network, I2P, provides many of the same features that Tor does. However, I2P was designed to be a network within the Internet, with traffic staying contained in its borders. Tor provides better anonymous access to the open Internet and I2P provides a more robust and reliable “network within the network” (Tchabe and Xu 2014).


The ability to traverse the Internet with complete anonymity nurtures a platform ripe for what are considered illegal activities in some countries, including:
• controlled substance marketplaces
• credit card fraud and identity theft; and
• leaks of sensitive information.

Silk Road was an online marketplace that dealt with contraband drugs, narcotics and weapons. In 2013, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shut down the website. But like the mythical Hydra, the website resurrected as Silk Road 2.0 within a month. It took the FBI another year to track down its administrator and servers (Mac 2014). It should also be noted that Tor empowers anyone who wants control over his or her online footprint. The positive value of such a tool is huge for some groups, such as whistle-blowers who report news that companies would prefer to suppress, human rights workers struggling against repressive governments and parents trying to create a safe way for their children to explore the Web.


Anonymity, from the Greek word anonymia, refers to the state where one’s personal identity is not publicly known. Each day, our Web actions leave footprints by depositing personal data on the Internet. This information composes our digital identity — our representation in cyberspace. Internet anonymity is guaranteed when Internet Protocol (IP) addresses cannot be tracked. Tor client software routes Internet traffic through a worldwide volunteer network of servers, hiding user’s information and eluding any activities of monitoring. This makes the dark Web very appropriate for cybercriminals, who are constantly trying to hide their tracks (Paganini 2012).The dark Web is also the preferred channel for governments to exchange documents secretly, for journalists to bypass censorship of several states and for dissidents to avoid the control of authoritarian regimes (Gehl 2014). Anonymous communications have an important place in our political and social discourse. Many individuals wish to hide their identities due to concerns about political or economic retribution. Onion routing is a technique for anonymous communication over a computer network. Messages are repeatedly encrypted and then sent through several network nodes, called onion routers. Like someone peeling an onion, each onion router removes a layer of encryption to uncover routing instructions, and sends the message to the next router, where the process is repeated. This technique prevents intermediary nodes from knowing the origin, destination and contents of the message (Tor 2014a).


Just as nefarious activity can occur through the Surface Web, it can also occur on the Deep Web and Dark Web. A range of malicious actors leverage cyberspace, from criminals to terrorists to state-sponsored spies. The web can serve as a forum for conversation, coordination, and action. Specifically, they may rely upon the Dark Web to help carry out their activities with reduced risk of detection. While this section focuses on criminals operating in cyberspace, the issues raised are certainly applicable to other categories of malicious actors. Twenty-first century criminals increasingly rely on the Internet and advanced technologies to further their criminal operations. For instance, criminals can easily leverage the Internet to carry out traditional crimes such as distributing illicit drugs and sex trafficking. In addition, they exploit the digital world to facilitate crimes that are often technology driven, including identity theft, payment card fraud, and intellectual property theft. The FBI considers high-tech crimes to be among the most significant crimes confronting the United States. The Dark Web has been cited as facilitating a wide variety of crimes. Illicit goods such as drugs, weapons, exotic animals, and stolen goods and information are all sold for profit. There are gambling sites, thieves and assassins for hire, and troves of child pornography. Data on the prevalence of these Dark Web sites, however, are lacking. Tor estimates that only about 1.5% of Tor users visit hidden services/Dark Web pages. The actual percentage of these that serve a particular illicit market at any one time is unclear, and it is even less clear how much Tor traffic is going to any given site.


Peter Grabosky (2001) notes that virtual crime is not any different than crime in the real world — it is just executed in a new medium: “‘Virtual criminality’ is basically the same as the terrestrial crime with which we are familiar. To be sure, some of the manifestations are new. But a great deal of crime committed with or against computers differs only in terms of the medium. While the technology of implementation, and particularly its efficiency, may be without precedent, the crime is fundamentally familiar. It is less a question of something completely different than a recognizable crime committed in a completely different way.”

Websites such as Silk Road act as anonymous marketplaces selling everything from tame items such as books and clothes, to more illicit goods such as drugs and weapons. Aesthetically, these sites appear like any number of shopping websites, with a short description of the goods, and an accompanying photograph (Bartlett 2014).
It is correct to assume that dedicated sites facilitate users to trade in both physical and proprietary information, including passwords and access to passwords for surface Web paid-pornography sites and PayPal passwords (Westin 2014). PayPal Store, Creditcards for All and (Yet) Another Porn Exchange are active websites that offer such services.

The Assassination Market website is a prediction market where a party can place a bet on the date of death of a given individual, and collect a payoff if the date is “guessed” accurately. This incentivizes the assassination of individuals because the assassin, knowing when the action will take place, could profit by making an accurate bet on the time of the subject’s death. Because the payoff is for knowing the date rather than performing the action of the assassination, it is substantially more difficult to assign criminal liability for the assassination (Greenberg 2013). There are also websites to hire an assassin — popular ones are White Wolves and C’thuthlu (Pocock 2014).
The dark Web and terrorists seem to complement each other — the latter need an anonymous network that is readily available yet generally inaccessible. It would be hard for terrorists to keep up a presence on the surface Web because of the ease with which their sites could be shut down and, more importantly, tracked back to the original poster.


Many people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web interchangeably, but in fact the two terms are not synonymous. The Internet and the Web are two separate but related things. The Internet is a massive network of networks — a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer, as long as they are both connected to the Internet. On the other hand, the World Wide Web, or simply the Web, is a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an information-sharing model that is built on top of the Internet. The Web uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, only one of the languages spoken over the Internet, to transmit data. The Internet, not the Web, is also used for email, which relies on Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Usenet news groups, instant messaging and File Transfer Protocol. The Web, therefore, is just a portion of the Internet, albeit a large one (Beal 2010). Finally, the deep Web is, put simply, the part of the Web that is hidden from view. It is World Wide Web content that is not part of the surface Web. It cannot be accessed by normal search engines. This massive subsection of the Internet is more than 500 times bigger than the visible Web (Barker and Barker 2013).


Fig - 2 : Deep web, Dark web and Internet.

 The Internet: Regular type of internet everyone uses to read news, visit social media sites, and shop. The Deep Web: The deep web is not indexed by the major search engines and  is a subset of the Internet . This means  that instead of being able to search for places you have to visit those  directly . They’re waiting if you have an address but there aren’t directions to get there . The Internet is too large for search engines to cover completely thus Deep web is largely present.  Deep web commonly refers to all web pages that search engines cannot find. Hence it includes the 'Dark Web' along with  all web mail pages, user databases, registration required  web forums and pages behind pay walls.  The Dark Web: The Dark Web also known as Dark net that is indexed, but to be able to access it, requires something special   e.g.  authentication to gain access.  The Dark Web often resides on top of additional sub-networks  such as Tor, Free net and I2P .It is often associated with criminal activity of various degrees, including pornography, buying and selling drugs, , gambling, etc.  While the Dark Web is used for criminal purposes more than the standard Internet or the Deep Web, there are many legitimate uses for the Dark Web as well. Things like using Tor to analyze reports of domestic abuse, government oppression, and other crimes that have serious consequences for those calling out the issues are included in Legitimate uses.

The deep Web — in particular, networks on the dark Web such as Tor — represents a viable way for malicious actors to exchange goods, legally or illegally, in an anonymous fashion. The lack of observable activities in unconventional dark Web networks does not necessarily mean they do not exist. In fact, in agreement with the principle that inspires the dark Web, the activities are simply more difficult to spot and observe. A driving factor for the marketplace is critical mass. Operators in the dark Web are unlikely to need a high level of stealth unless the consequences, if they are discovered, are sufficiently severe. It is conceivable that sites may come online at specific times, have a brief window of trading, then disappear, making them more difficult to investigate. Recent revelations about wide-scale nation-state monitoring of the Internet and recent arrests of cybercriminals behind sites hosted in the dark Web are starting to lead to other changes. It would not be surprising to see the criminal underbelly becoming more fragmented into alternative dark nets or private networks, further complicating the job of investigators. The dark Web has the potential to host an increasingly large number of malicious services and activities and, unfortunately, it will not be long before new large marketplaces emerge. Security researchers have to remain vigilant and find new ways to spot upcoming malicious services to deal with new phenomena as quickly as possible.